Giving Back & Paying Forward
As per our initiative of Giving Back & Paying Forward, so far we have been contributing to our society with donations and education for underprivileged.
Since our society needs us more than ever before, we want to make a formal commitment this year. We are committing to donating a minimum of 5% of our Founder’s salary (Amit Prakash) and 3% of our company’s profit for underprivileged including elders and kids.
We are not going to stop just at donations, we are also actively looking for opportunities to up-skill underprivileged people in our society with our expertise in Sales, Customer Service and Customer Experience Management through Training, Coaching and Consulting.
So, if you know of any underprivileged business or people, please let us know.
Also, we will give credit of this support to all our customers for the year. After all it’s their support that makes us able to make this commitment.
We also commit to increasing and expanding our support to our society as we progress in our business.
With our commitment, if you’re inspired to support our society, please let us know how you plan to do so, or if you are already doing so, please share with us. We maybe able to collaborate.